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Shoot Fireballs!


PyroAfter reviewing my Universal Amazon Wish List for potential Christmas presents, my wife asked me, “Do you really want to shoot fire?”

It wasn’t a judgmental question. It was more along the lines of, “It’s awesome, but is it really $150 awesome?” The answer appears to be “Hell yeah!”

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNVG0dFaC50]

is a company that produces magic tricks “beyond belief.” They invented Pyro, a wrist strap fireball launcher. It can also be used remotely.

Pyro runs on AAA and watch batteries. It shoots and ignites flash cotton and paper.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLYk1Q0RFk0]


In 2015, Ellusionist modified the design and came up with the Pyro Mini. This version is 50% smaller (for easier palming), has a built-in trigger and charges with a USB. The company sells it for just under $150.

The Pyro launchers are only sold to people 18 or older but aren’t we all pyromaniacal children at heart?

Topics: Device

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