My lovely partner in crime, the Lady KL Kenzie had a novel idea last Tuesday, we were to go see a “live band” play “music” before a “crowd”. Now regardless of how arcane the idea sounded, I am a novel gent and thus we garbbed up to the nines and ventured out into the Facist Technocracy of Chicago’s illustrious “Logan Square” district to The Whistler where we met up with the good Sir “Mr” Wes to enjoy a night of strange live sounds.
Our field-team was immediately greeted, upon entering the venue, by a haunting and melodious feminine voice, accompanied by the eclectic sounds of a toy piano that happened to be painted with a red & white fluer-de-lis design (or perhaps stylized speed flames, I am never sure these days). This was none other than the charming Eliza Rickman, a one-woman band complimented nicely by a black & green neo-Victorian dress.
To be absolutely up-front, I was awestruck. The show was subtle, minimal and in many respects a bit light in tone and spirit. But once one stepped up to the stage and began to really listen and watch you sensed a strong, dark melancholy that underlay-ed the performance. It felt like a post-apocalyptic, or perhaps just post-fall of civilization, show at a derelict piano bar. It was utterly delightful.
But trying to describe Eliza’s live-set is like trying to make a drawing of the flavour of root-beer. So instead check out this informative clip I helpfully found of Eliza playing “Black Rose” (my personal favourite) at Ryan Black’s 88 Cabaret in California.
If you liked that do download the song that Eliza has graciously allowed us to provide to you, Lilly Love, and then go to her website and purchase her EP “Gild The Lily” a short and sweetly dark piece of musical fun. Secondly, I highly suggest seeing her live shows should you ever get the chance.
This time Eliza was opening for my lovely lady’s friend’s band “Pet Peeve“, who are also a HIGHLY entertaining band, but that, my unwashed and ignorant masses, is a story for another time.
The Lord Baron
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