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Archive for the ‘Cons’ Category

Explorer II Readies Engines for TeslaCon This Weekend


The year is 1880. The wealthy, the well-connected, and the thrill-seeking passengers gather in preparation for the launch of the Explorer II, Royal Britannia’s newest and most advanced Airship. But security remains tight (in light of what happened to the …

October and November Filled with Events Galore


What is it about the fall, the most steampunk of seasons?  Everything (at least north of the Mason Dixon border in the Continental US) is turning brown, it is getting colder so that Lords, Ladies and rabble alike can wear …

Milwaukee Throws Spectacular Victorian Ball Tomorrow Night


Milwaukee's Victorian Ball

Tomorrow night in an Old linen factory/fallout shelter, Steampunks from all over the Midwest (including a contingent from Steampunk Chicago) will be attending The Steampunk Victorian Ball, hosted by The Dead Man’s Carnival. Can you imagine a better place for …

Time Traveler’s Day at Bristol Renaissance Fair – Aug 15


Steampunks Unite!

Come up to Bristol Renaissance Faire and wear your best Steampunk attire to explore Elizabethan England! Gates open at 10 am, and closes at 7 pm.

It will be a great day to get out and salute Her …

Music Video Shoots, Art Shows, and Conventions Abound for the Chicago Steampunker!


It’s that time again.  Temperatures floating around 90 degrees and then falling to a chilly 75 as apocalyptic thunderstorms roll through.  Every other day you have to come up with another way to get from point A to point B …

World Steam Expo Flexes Muscle for First Year Con


Steampunk Family Michigan Time Travelers Wife

The Midwest has finally burst upon the Steampunk scene and made a notable impression with the fabulous World Steam Expo, held in Dearborn Michigan, just outside of Detroit, land of gears, cogs, machinery and even an old Airship port.

We …

Countdown to World Steam Expo 2010


As many of you may or may not already know the much heralded World Steam Expo is set to launch a week from today and we here at Steampunk Chicago and esteemed members of the Royal Ladies’ & Gentle-mens’ Experimental …

Upcoming Midwestern Steampunkery!


My, My, look at All the Steampunkery!

Yes!  It does look as though things are taking off in the Midwest!  Why with the soon to be coming SECOND edition of Clockwork Vaudeville, a Steampunk book spread at Quimby’s, and the …

Windycon 36: Photographs


Windycon 36 was an amazing success, full of fashion finery, bully beer, gadgetry galore, beautiful boots and perfect panelists.

Some photographs from the event can be seen on The Facebook, as made by the Rev. Cpt. Samuel Flint

Windycon 2009

Windycon 36 – It’s “Steampunk”


Which – of course – means there will be an awful lot of this.

I cannot deny though, they put a lot of time into those outfits.
My subtle and yet unfounded derision for individuals with more skill than myself