On the lovely evening on December 1st, I, the Lord Baron Vourteque, decided to humbly open up my abode to the strange, oft-unruly, sometimes macabe, and always beautiful members, friends and family of the Royal Ladies’ & Gentlemens’ Experimental Madness
… Archive for the ‘Soiree’ Category
RL&GEMS visit Primitive Warehouse
In mid-October Chicago’s Primitive, finely represented by Joseph Rudy, granted the RL&GEMS a private tour of it’s voluminous and odd Bridgeport warehouse space. A tremendous outing for our group, the assembled mostly lamented the recession in the wake of …
Where Doth the Good Steampunkers Meet?
Hello hello from the Lord Baron – it’s been a moment since I last graced the pages of The Compass, but in the light of the DIY trunk show (see below), I felt perhaps we can move forward on suggesting …
Welcome! Welcome! One and all!
Welcome to The Compass Points to M. This is to be a “web-log” dedicated to the creations, ideas, writings, musings, compositions and what-ever else a person can get online that runs in the vein of a dark, DIY and preferably …