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On Neo-Classical Music.


It’s by no means a new genre of music, but I was stumbling about on Live365 the other evening looking for something to listen to that would nicely compliment my readings and came across the “In Dark Faith Eternal” radio.

Yes – the name is goofy, and yes, it’s a pretty damn gothy station, and yes, there is on occasion a bit too much stuff that sounds like Enya (sp?) but it also has some absolutely beautiful neo-classical music on it and, well, I like neo-classical music quite a bit.

I’m looking for some to post up, I’ll do it when I really find two or three tracks I’m particularly fond of again (I didn’t bother downloading anything last evening). So come back soon. There were some tracks that particularly caught my attention from the bands Arcana and Dark Sanctuary.

If you’re interested in the radio station it’s right here – In Dark Faith Eternal Radio (at the moment I write this the music is a bit light for my taste, hoping it gets a bit darker and more instrument driven soon.)

Topics: Music

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