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Sepiachord.com Needs Your Help!


We will keep this one short and sweet. As we all know, times are tough and unfortunately websites are not an exception to such a fray.  Thus our good friends over at Sepiachord.com are asking for your support.  In case you were not aware, Sepiachord is THE place on the web that specializes in music of today that could be of yesterday (or to simplify it, steampunk music).  They cover a VAST array of artists, many of them up and coming.

Doubly Jordan Bodewell, the man behind the mask (and the website), has compiled two WONDERFUL compilations as well as supplied the musical acts for Steam-Con I & Steam-Con II.  If this is not enough for you steampunk AND music enthusiasts then I don’t know what is (ahem, Sepiachord is a supporting producer of our Gaslight Sessions events).

But yes, do go to Sepiachord.com NOW and support in a number of ways.



You can DONATE.

But regardless, don’t wait.  If we don’t support our movement, who will?


-Steampunk Chicago

Topics: DIY, Music

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